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/* oxide.rs
* Developed by Tim Walls <tim.walls@snowgoons.com>
* Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved, Tim Walls
//! Simple supervisor implementation for the AVRoxide runtime.
//! The supervisor acts as an event sink for the device drivers' interrupt
//! service routines. These service routines send events to the supervisor
//! which queues them for processing.
//! The queued events are then dispatched in the *userland* context to
//! trigger the callback routines you provide via the device drivers.
//! # Usage
//! Obtain a reference to the supervisor using the `avr_oxide::oxide::instance()` method.
//! Create your device driver instances and register any callbacks.
//! To receive events from a device driver, you must tell the supervisor
//! to listen to that device with the `listen()` method.
//! Finally, call the `run()` method on the supervisor to enter the main
//! event handling loop (never returns.)
//! ```rust,no_run
//! #![no_std]
//! #![no_main]
//! use avr_oxide::alloc::boxed::Box;
//! use avr_oxide::devices::UsesPin;
//! use avr_oxide::devices::debouncer::Debouncer;
//! use avr_oxide::devices::{ OxideLed, OxideButton, OxideSerialPort };
//! use avr_oxide::boards::board;
//! use avr_oxide::StaticWrap;
//! #[avr_oxide::main(chip="atmega4809")]
//! pub fn main() {
//! let supervisor = avr_oxide::oxide::instance();
//! let mut green_button = StaticWrap::new(OxideButton::using(Debouncer::with_pin(board::pin_a(2))));
//! green_button.borrow().on_click(Box::new(move |_pinid, _state|{
//! // Do some processing when the button is pressed
//! }));
//! // Tell the supervisor which devices to listen to
//! supervisor.listen(green_button.borrow());
//! // Now enter the event loop
//! supervisor.run();
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Using a custom pre-event handler
//! You can pass a custom pre-handler closure to the `run_with_prehandler()`
//! method. This will be executed *before* the default event callback process
//! is dispatched, and returns a `bool` indicating if the default event
//! handling process should still be followed. If this closure returns `false`,
//! the event will be discarded without the event being passed to the device
//! driver.
//! This can be useful if you are using a Watchdog device as a way to kick
//! the watchdog when any event is processed, regardless of source or
//! destination.
//! ```rust,no_run
//! #![no_std]
//! #![no_main]
//! use avr_oxide::alloc::boxed::Box;
//! use avr_oxide::devices::UsesPin;
//! use avr_oxide::devices::debouncer::Debouncer;
//! use avr_oxide::devices::{ OxideLed, OxideButton, OxideSerialPort };
//! use avr_oxide::boards::board;
//! use avr_oxide::event::OxideEvent;
//! use avr_oxide::StaticWrap;
//! #[avr_oxide::main(chip="atmega4809")]
//! pub fn main() {
//! let supervisor = avr_oxide::oxide::instance();
//! let mut green_button = StaticWrap::new(OxideButton::using(Debouncer::with_pin(board::pin_a(2))));
//! green_button.borrow().on_click(Box::new(move |_pinid, _state|{
//! // Do some processing when the button is pressed
//! }));
//! // Tell the supervisor which devices to listen to
//! supervisor.listen(green_button.borrow());
//! // Now enter the event loop
//! supervisor.run_with_prehandler(|event|{
//! match event {
//! OxideEvent::Initialise => {
//! // Do some custom initialisation
//! true
//! }
//! OxideEvent::ClockTick(_timer,_ticks) => {
//! // Ignore all clocktick events
//! false
//! }
//! _ => {
//! // Everything else should follow default processing
//! true
//! }
//! }
//! });
//! }
//! ```
// Imports ===================================================================
use avr_oxide::private::ringq::RingQ;
use avr_oxide::event::{OxideEvent, EventSink, EventSource, OxideEventEnvelope};
use avr_oxide::concurrency::Isolated;
use avr_oxide::deviceconsts::oxide;
use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
use avr_oxide::staticwrap::AsStaticRef;
// Declarations ==============================================================
pub struct OxideSupervisor<'e>
event_q: RingQ<OxideEventEnvelope<'e>, {oxide::EVENT_QUEUE}>,
//static mut GLOBAL_INSTANCE : Option<&mut OxideSupervisor> = None;
static mut SUPERVISOR : MaybeUninit<OxideSupervisor> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
// Code ======================================================================
* Initialise the global supervisor instance
pub(crate) unsafe fn initialise() {
OxideSupervisor {
event_q: RingQ::new_with(OxideEventEnvelope::anon(OxideEvent::Initialise)),
pub fn instance() -> &'static mut OxideSupervisor<'static> {
unsafe {
impl OxideSupervisor<'_> {
* Called to have the supervisor listen for events from this device.
pub fn listen<ES: 'static + EventSource, ESR: AsStaticRef<ES>>(&mut self, source: ESR) {
unsafe {
* Enter the event loop - and never return (*evil cackle*). A pre-handler
* closure is provided that will be called with the event before the
* default handling method (a callback to the originator) is executed. If
* this prehandler returns `false`, then the standard event handling will
* not be executed for this event and it will be discarded immediately
* after the prehandler.
pub fn run_with_prehandler<F: FnMut(OxideEvent) -> bool>(&mut self, mut pre_handler: F) -> ! {
loop {
let event = self.event_q.consume_blocking();
if pre_handler(event.open_event()) {
* Enter the event loop and never return.
pub fn run(&mut self) -> ! {
impl EventSink for OxideSupervisor<'_> {
fn event(isotoken: Isolated, event: OxideEventEnvelope) {
let supervisor = instance();
unsafe {
if (*supervisor).event_q.append(isotoken, core::mem::transmute(event)).is_err() {
// Tests =====================================================================